D. Abboh
1 min readDec 30, 2017


Brian Brewington I love the whole last paragraph, like ALL of it (if my phone would play ball, i would highlight it… I will come back and do so from my laptop shortly). I too love rap lyrics, and still think it’s underrated artistry. I mainly write poetry/prose and personal points of view… have been trying to get my self to post a fictional short story, I enjoy reading them from others and have written one or two before… I think it’s my weakest writing style… and want to improve it…but i definitely believe it’s a great idea to work on different styles of writing to stretch yourself… so, i will work on it. Thanks for sharing. Keep writing 🌻



D. Abboh

Hey there - I'm D. Writer/Storyteller | Creative Non-Fiction | Poetry. I know a little Tai Chi - but my Kung Fu is weak. Email: dabboh76@outlook.com