Hello September,
how long has it been?
Feels like I’ve been missing you since I don’t know when.
Hold me in your arms like a long lost friend,
I thank each star I’m here to see you again.
Ask me any question and I’ll tell you no lies.
Make me no promises, spare the long goodbyes.
Before leaves turn and fall like summers ashes — this time,
open my heart, don’t just pass me by.
Show me something good —
just show me how to begin,
tell me dreams are possible
not whether i’ll lose or i’ll win.
Fly me like a paper plane —
get me closer to the moon,
send me on a midnight train,
just take me there real soon.
Let life and its favour energise me,
season me with poetry.
Whisper louder, let me wonder.
Lift me higher, keep me stronger.
Hold me closer now and then,
spill soft magic from my pen.
Hello September,
good to see you again.