Hey there Nate, I appreciate you taking the time to read my perspective - and sharing your perspective, thank you.
For me, because it is already clear that the vaccine does not help stop the spread of this virus, even though it may stop severe illness or death for the individual who takes it - getting the vaccine is not the morally right thing to do for each others sake, but could be the right choice for an individual who believes it will improve their chances of fighting the virus. Like the article I linked states ' this ain't measles' (i'm paraphrasing slightly) and we can't treat this virus' vaccine as if it gives immunity or will eradicate covid, it clearly ain't doing that.
Everybody, symptomatic or otherwise, 'vaxxed' or 'unvaxxed' is potentially being exposed to it and potentially transmitting it whenever we are around another human. That may not be the outcome folks wanted, but it is how it is.
It's a real shame to see people cutting friends/family off over this despite the facts, mind boggling.
Lastly, I have no doubt the world will keep spinning, but humanity (compassion, etc) - that has been on the ropes for a long time.
All that being said, we can agree to disagree. Stay well.