Hmm, writing to me is a classic catch twenty two… I want to write, but not by force or under duress… but, at the same time… I know I need to do it regularly to improve and create a career out of it. Inspiration is brilliant when it happens, but is a very unreliable way to work with writing I find, although… it is definitely a part of the process. Like Octavia Butler said, habit is much more helpful when trying to pursue writing. I think like you said, you have to interrupt yourself regularly and check why you do what you do, the stats checking is something that is very impulsive for me… super annoying and I do it way too much. That part, is a continual work in progress, letting go of the outcomes… because the main thing is to be satisfied with what you write when you are hitting publish. Again, like you said, the fluctuations will happen and are beyond our control. Not everything has to be posted, doesn’t mean it isn’t good enough. So yeah, just write. Nice to read you here again anyway Nicole, thanks for sharing. 🌻