Member-only story
nose to nose
skin to skin
eye to eye
we are bodies of blueprints on how not to compromise who we are for a world that refuses to see, this breathtaking Ocean of humanity — this you and this me
the ancestors and this diaspora — teach me how to breathe — when the terrible things season and thicken the air in an attempt to suffocate me
fifty shades of African, colour me unapologetically, don’t tell me — we’re not worth fighting for, emerging from a history that goes far beyond inequity and spilled blood and broken bones
souls unbroken, here we are now
the world keeps burning, setting ablaze the sky
I keep learning, I’m never the same twice
if you keep spelling your fear out with the sound of my name, I lift my head and let my feet walk away
those that don’t insist on projecting fuckery — but seek to know what lies beneath my skin, sit with me in the still of the day, through the East of the night
rest assured, you will find the humble watered seeds of a collection of memories, of lives lived beyond this Earth, the makings of a woman who understands her worth, the antidote to toxic energy
walking through borders, edging towards glory, stepping into her power like a giant taking up space — creating paths for others, blushing with love and breathing free