Member-only story
How do you define your own success?
I say the clue is there in the question, and the quote up there in my subtitle by H. R. H. Maya Angelou — hits the nail on the head for me.
You define it. The ‘idea’ of success — does not define you.
Success is not a monolith. I repeat: Success. Is. Not. A. Monolith (damn, I would love if that line doubled up into a nice little acronym, but ‘SINAM’ just sounds dumb to me *shrugs shoulders*).
Sometimes I get fooled in this modern era of the ‘like me’ ‘look at me’ social media ‘interverse’, that success comes from an external source.
But I know, I really know — it has nothing to do with any of that.
It’s ALL about the internal, my own Universe of inner space.
Even though I behave badly sometimes, like when I’m yelling at my kiddies for the twentieth time in any single day for not doing A or B or for doing C and D, or like this morning, or quite honestly — most mornings, when I’m driving them to school and have a swearing fit at bandit drivers who cut us up or honk their horns our way.